Tax credit for household expenses

The tax credit for household expenses is a tax credit that the person who pays for the work can deduct in their own taxation. The work must have been carried out in the payer’s own home, holiday home or the payer’s parents’, grandparents’ or in-laws’ home.

The service providers of the HemmaKoti® online service operate through a company, Pendola Oy. The person paying for the work can deduct 40%-60% of the price of the work, exclusive of value added tax, from their own taxes.

You can claim the credit either on your tax card or on your tax return. If you claim the credit on your tax card, you will receive the benefit from the tax credit immediately.

When purchasing work from a HemmaKoti® service provider, you will need the following information for the tax credit:

  • Business ID 3101984-7 Pendola Oy | HemmaKoti
  • The end total of the invoice
  • The share of the expenses paid for work, including VAT

For each work order, you have received a receipt by e-mail. In addition, you can see all the ordered work in real time in your profile when logged into the service.

A list of the work that qualifies for the tax credit for household expenses, as well as instructions on how to claim the credit can be found in their entirety on the site.

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