VAT-exempt services

Who are VAT-exempt services intended for?

VAT-exempt services are intended for customers whose functional capacity has declined, with the aim of facilitating access to essential and often life-enhancing services without additional costs. Aging is the most common reason for a decline in functional capacity. A challenging situation at home or acting as a caregiver can also be grounds for receiving VAT-exempt services at home.

We can provide cleaning services as well as assistance with errands and outdoor activities when your or your loved one’s functional capacity has permanently or temporarily declined.

What should be considered?

Has your functional capacity declined due to aging, injury, or illness?
If you answered yes, you are entitled to order services VAT-exempt. You do not need a separate medical certificate when ordering the service.

When ordering the service, please explain why the service cannot be performed independently at home. We will assist you in assessing your functional capacity and fill out the form together, after which the VAT-exempt price will be applied in the billing.

You will also receive tax credit for household expenses. You can apply for a deduction of up to 60% of the service’s value from the final amount. We will assist you with matters related to the deduction.

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